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Step by Step Process for

Rezone / Special Use/ Future Land Use Map Amendment / Variance




Step 1- Pre-Application Staff Review


Submit for a pre-application staff review. 


Upon review, staff may deem it necessary for a zoom or in person meeting to further discuss the application.  You will be contacted if this is required. 


If no meeting is necessary, you will receive an email with staff notes pertaining to your application.  These notes are a required attachment for application submittal. 


Pre-Application Review Request

Step 2 - Application Submittal



Board of Appeals Public Hearings are on the 2nd Thursday of each month.

Planning Commission Public Hearings are on the 3rd Thursday of each month. 

Board of Commissioner Public Hearings are on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. 

*A quorum is required for voting to take place at a meeting. 


Public Hearings are held at:   

Barrow County Historic Court House 

30 N Broad Street 

Winder, GA 30680  

6 pm on the 2nd floor in the Board of Commissioners meeting room. 

Due to new Zoning Procedure Laws, Public Hearing Application Submittal Dates have changed! 

Applications are accepted all month long!
Only COMPLETE applications are accepted.  Waiting until the last minute to submit your application could result in a delay of your application.

Application Attachments Needed


The following required attachments are needed to submit a COMPLETE application. 


Attachment A - Disclosure of Campaign Contributions 

(A Seamless doc will be emailed to the applicant's email, save this document to submit with the application)


Attachment B - Proffered Conditions

(A Seamless doc will be emailed to the applicant's email, save this document to submit with the application)


Attachment C - Applicant / Owner Certification

(A Seamless doc will be emailed to the applicant's email, save this document to submit with the application)


Pre-Application Staff Review


Letter of Intent


Site Plan /Concept Plan 


Boundary Survey (This can sometimes be the same as your Site Plan / Concept Plan)


Water or Sewer Availability Letter (Not required for BOA applications)


Sewer Letter / Environmental Health Approval (Septic Letter)  (Not required for BOA applications)


Copy of Recorded Plat (Can be obtained from the Clerk of Superior Court)


Legal Description (This can be found on the Warranty deed, if it is not, it can be obtained from your surveyor)



Step 3 - Initial Staff Review & Application Acceptance Pending Payment


Initial Staff Review


Initial staff review is performed after the application has be submitted. Staff review can take up to 1 week, please plan accordingly when submitting your application. 


To avoid delay in your application ensure you have all the correct required documents before submitting your application. Incorrect documents and incorrect information will delay the acceptance of the application.  Feel free to check out the Public Hearing page to review examples of completed applications and correct documents such as Letter of Intent, Site Plans, etc.  


Once the initial staff review is complete, if applicable, you will receive an email notification requesting additional information.


Application Acceptance Pending Payment


If no additional information is required, you will receive an email notification that the application is accepted pending payment.  At this time, you will be given instructions on payment options.



Step 4 – Application Accepted


Only COMPLETE Applications are accepted.  Once payment is received, you will received an “Application Accepted” email.  At this time, you will be issued a case number.  This case number will be included in all future communications. 



Step 5 – Withdrawal of Application & Public Notice


You may choose to withdraw the application at any time.  To withdraw the application, please send an email requesting to withdraw your application.

Refunds are only given prior to the Legal Advertisement minus a $50 administrative fee. 




Zoning regulations require public notice must be given prior to all zoning hearings as follows:


1.  A legal advertisement shall be published not less than 15 days, and not more than 45 days prior to the public hearing.  **The County places this ad.


2.  A public notice sign shall be placed in a conspicuous location on the property not less than 15 days and not more than 45 days prior to the public hearing. **You will be contacted from our office via email notification that your sign(s) are ready for pickup.


Multiple sign posting on a site may be required as determined by the Department of Economic & Community Development. Signs must remain on property until an Action Notice is received.  If your sign is damaged or missing you may contact our office for a new sign.

Step 6 – Planning Study


Staff will review your application and make a recommendation via a Planning Study to the Board / Commissioners. 


This Planning Study will be added to your case file no later than 1 week prior to your scheduled public hearing. 


You can view your case file on our website at the link below. 


Planning Commission and Board of Commissioners Public Hearing Cases


Board of Appeals Public Hearing Cases


Step 7 – Public Hearing


Board of Appeals - Plan to attend the meeting to answer any questions the board members may have. 


Planning Commission & Board of Commissioners - Plan to attend BOTH meetings to answer any questions the  Commissioners may have.  The Planning Commission is a recommending body only!  The Board of Commissioners has the final vote on your request. 


If you cannot attend the meeting, you may have a representative attend in your place.  You or your representative will present your case before the commissioners. 


Public Hearing Procedures can be found here: PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURES.pdf

Step 8 – Action Notice


Once minutes have been approved, you will receive an Action Notice regarding your case within 7 business days via email.

Minutes must be approved before Action Notices are issued!


Board of Appeals - Meeting minutes will be approved at the NEXT scheduled meeting after your Public Hearing. 

*A quorum is required for voting to take place at a meeting.


Planning Commission & Board of Commissioners - Meeting minutes will be approved at the NEXT scheduled Board of Commissioners meeting after your Public Hearing date.  *A quorum is required for voting to take place at a meeting.


Once the Action Notice has been issued, the request is considered complete.  At this time, Public Notice sign(s) are to be removed from the property. If your request was approved, you may proceed with the next step in your request. 



The action requested on the application CAN NOT be completed until an Action Notice has been issued!



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