Planning & Community Development
Planning & Zoning
Board of Appeals Public Hearings are on the 2nd Thursday of each month.
Planning Commission Public Hearings are on the 3rd Thursday of each month.
Board of Commissioner Public Hearings are on the 2nd Tuesday of each month.
*A quorum is required for voting to take place at a meeting.
Public Hearings are held at:
Barrow County Historic Court House
30 N Broad Street
Winder, GA 30680
6 pm on the 2nd floor in the Board of Commissioners meeting room.
Due to new Zoning Procedure Laws, Public Hearing Application Submittal Dates have changed!
Applications are accepted all month long!
Step by Step Process for
Rezone / Special Use/ Future Land Use Map Amendment / Variance Requests
In an effort to avoid delay in applications
a pre-application review is required for all
zoning and variance application submittals.
Applications WILL NOT be accepted without
pre-application staff review notes.